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The path to culturally safe practice is full of opportunity; however it can be hard to incorporate new ways of working (and thinking) in such busy times. In this webinar, GP writer and medical educator Lucy O’Hagan leads a panel discussion on professional communication and the importance of critical reflective practice.

Click here to register for Monday 6 March, 7:00pm-8:30pm.

16 February 2023

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor availability is changing. This piece of microlearning outlines the changes and gives links to useful resources. 

He Ako Hiringa
15 February 2023
13 minutes to Listen

Episode five of our Legendary Conversations podcast focuses on the appropriate use of antibiotics for uncomplicated urinary tract infection. Lauren Smith, senior practice fellow at the University of Otago School of Pharmacy, outlines the current recommendations for UTI treatment and discusses an example case study.

He Ako Hiringa
2 February 2023

We're now working on resources for delivery in the first half of the year - here's what you can expect from us in 2023.

If you are a subject matter expert who would like to contribute to our work, please email our clinical education lead, andrea@akohiringa.co.nz

He Ako Hiringa
15 December 2022

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